More Of Victor Galvez

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Yes, I have become a little obsessed with this handsome hunk after sharing some photos of him on the blog, and although there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of him out there showing off his gorgeous body and that tempting bulge when compared to some other major male models, there are some more pics that I wanted to share with you.

I have a feeling my hunger for this guy is not going to be satisfied very easily. There are some great shots out there, as you can see, but nothing close to the level of coverage some other male models have. I don't know why that is, because the stud is clearly gorgeous and should be being hired all over the place. He seems to be doing well, but I'm gonna want a lot more - I guess I'm just greedy lol

Maybe he's new? I haven't been able to find out enough about him to know how long he's been in the business, but I do know there are some photos out there dating back to last summer.

This random collection should keep some of you entertained for a while, but let me know if you spot this stunning man out there on any sites. I would love to see some more of this guy and share him on the blog again for you guys to enjoy! ;)

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10 years ago

Marry him already! I am not immune to his charm. But, he has “breeder” written all over him. Good luck. You’re going to need it.
Reply to  curious_sixty_two
10 years ago

Someone climbed out the wrong side of the coffin!

Robert Leck
Robert Leck
10 years ago

hey like the hot bod!!!

Henry James
Henry James
10 years ago

I wanna be his hubby too.

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