More Of Paddy O’Brian Modeling Nude!

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In case you didn't know it by now, I adore London boy Paddy O'Brian.

You might know him from the hardcore gay porn world where he's a gay for pay performer, but you should also know that he's an amazing male model too. And, seeing as he's used to getting down and dirty on video with other dudes, he's also perfectly fine with getting everything out and on show for a photographer like Landis Smithers.

You might have seen the first post of pics from this shoot back in January last year, but it seems there was more to come - and I wish I'd known about the rest of the pics back then too lol

Although he's one of those porn stars who guys either seem to love or loathe (some people have a real problem with straight guys in porn, I don't get it) there is no denying that he has an amazing body, and he's so damn handsome too.

Whenever I see him I instantly imagine him being perfect for a role as a British gangster in a Hollywood movie, like Jason Statham, only 10X hotter lol

Incidentally, that's the role he's played in a lot of his hardcore work too, the British mobster. He's a sweet guy in real though, apparently.

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9 years ago

I love Paddy, he’s so masculine!

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