More Of Muscled Stud Steve Moriarty
I woke up at 6am this morning, and I have no idea why. I'm one of those guys who finds it almost impossible to get back to sleep when that happens, because I start thinking about everything I need to do. On this occasion it actually worked out well, because after ten minutes of fruitlessly attempting to snooze some more I got up and went for a run.
I've really been slacking on my exercise lately but after this morning I think that's going to change. I was making my way down to the park and an insanely hot shirtless hunk in the tightest cycling shorts came up to run alongside me for a few meters before taking the lead. I really wanted that race but the dude was fast.
We said good morning politely as he kept pace beside me but then he was ahead of me, his muscled ass flexing like a tempting beacon persuading me to pick up the pace. By the time I got under the bridge he was gone and I didn't know what route he'd taken.
I have no idea who the guy is but damn he was hot!
I would say he's as hot as Steve Moriarty. If you can imagine a dude of this caliber surprising you on your morning run wearing literally nothing but snug shorts and sneakers then you'll understand why I'm now dedicating myself to going on that same exact run at the same exact time for the foreseeable future! lol
Check out some pics of this insanely hot hunk and make sure you click through to see the last time we enjoyed him back in 2018, in a series of more amateur shots. He looks great in pro photos.
Enjoy, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post with your friends and followers. Have a great day while I go and spend far too much time imagining what I could get up to in the woods with that handsome jogger. lol

I’m a definite fan of this guy…great-looking, great body…..110%.
Bumps at all the right places. Almost veers towards the ‘too much muscle definition’ category but just stayed on the right side of the super muscular that’s still aesthetically pleasimg…
Whoa…This magnificent man blows my load!
Steve Moriarty has been one of my favourite fitness models since the first time i saw him. Magnificent physique, fabulously handsome, and mesmirisingly charismatic.