More Of Immense Muscled Hunk Kirill Dowidoff Being Very Teasing

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I know it was only a couple of days ago that we were teased and tempted by the sight of massive Russian muscled hunk Kirill Dowidoff in a very sexy shoot, but when I discovered this collection of photos by Amer Mohamad I knew they had to be on the Gay Body Blog for you guys to enjoy. I admit it, seeing this shoot this morning had me a little motivated and I went out for a run before I sat at my desk and started work. I really don't know why I bother to be honest, we all know that it's going to take more than a run once a week or a few trips to the gym every month to get anywhere near this level of hunk. I imagine Kirill Dowidoff spends hours in the gym every day sculpting that body, and that's fine if you're being paid to do it, unlike the rest of us. We do need more of this guy naked though, right guys? I mean, we have that one shoot of the stud with everything out on show, but the rest have seemingly been teasing at most, like this one. We need some more full-on frontal nudity from the guy to satisfy us properly :)

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8 years ago

More tease if you please! Yes!

Henry James
Henry James
8 years ago

Wish he were ONLY MINE!!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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