More Of Handsome Aussie Model Brandy Martignago

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I think it might actually be this handsome Aussie model who really made me want to visit Australia.

Okay, that might not be true, I've wanted to visit down-under for a while, but seeing Brandy Martignago certainly reinforced my wish to travel there.

He could probably get a job with the tourism board.

I think we all know there are a lot of very attractive guys in Australia, but this handsome man is one of the sexiest.

I should probably mention that we have seen this hung dude naked a few times now. If you haven't checked out those posts I recommend clicking here and taking a look.

This time he's just being a sexy tease, but I'm just happy to see him in any kind of way.

We don't know who the photographer is, but I do know he's worked with Aussie photographer Paul Freeman a few times. Maybe these are some of his pics?

Whoever is responsible, we would love to see more.

Being a handsome Aussie model there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of opportunities for a guy like him to pose. I guess they don't have as many photographers, and traveling there to shoot is expensive.

I hope that changes. Clearly there are a lot of great guys in that part of the world, they just need enough photographers to create work with them :)

Enjoy him, drop a comment and hit the thumbs-up button.

Most importantly, have a lovely Thursday. I'm gonna go and spend some time investigating flights lol

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6 months ago

need many army or in spe members and police to dismantle rocket plants and false products

Um Brasileiro
Um Brasileiro
6 months ago

Bom (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

6 months ago

parfois trop de nudités entraine un manque d’érotisme et c’est dommageable

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