More Of Gorgeous Model Mateus Verdelho

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Okay boys, I have a real treat for all the guys into the really gorgeous model Mateus Verdelho. We've had some really impressive shots of this sexy hunk on the blog before when he was snapped in some tight gear and riding a skateboard. But a friend of mine has a whole collection of pics together (he's an even bigger fan boy than I am!) and he sent me some for a new post this morning.

You guys know I love a guy with some sexy ink, and this guys arms really are pretty interesting when it comes to tattoos. But we can't forget the rest of him! The guy is so hot, just muscled enough, and with the balls to show off his bulge too.

We all love to see a guy who's confident enough to strip down to almost nothing and show it all off, and I'm just hoping that one day someone persuades this hunky muscle model to go all the way.

You might be able to tell from some of the shots in this post compared to the other that he's really been working out recently. These ones are a little older, because he's leaner here than he is in the other pics I've seen, and there's less ink too. Either way, the guy is so gorgeous!

Model Mateus Verdelho (1)

Model Mateus Verdelho (2)

Model Mateus Verdelho (3)

Model Mateus Verdelho (4)

Model Mateus Verdelho (5)

Model Mateus Verdelho (6)

Model Mateus Verdelho (7)

Model Mateus Verdelho (8)

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12 years ago

Gorgeous, yes. But the tattoos ruin him.

12 years ago

He looks handsome, but on him the tats ruin it.!

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