More Of Buff Patrick Henning Looking Hot For Henry Wu

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You knew there was more of this handsome dude coming today, and I hope it lives up to expectation. Henry Wu might be new to us here on the blog but from what I've seen of his work I think we're going to be paying a little more attention to what he's doing after this shoot. The American model is from South Carolina, which actually explains why he looks like the kind of gorgeous country jock you might find working on a farm. Come on guys, I'm not the only one who sees that in him, right? He's one of those guys I can totally see being the college jock, the stereotypical American dude. What isn't stereotypical about a handsome jock dude like him from South Carolina is that he's a dancer too. I don't know why that's only just come up in what I've been reading about him but apparently he's got some moves. We would all love to see that! I hope we get to enjoy a lot more from this guy in the coming months. I don't know why he's not more well known than he is right now but I expect that to change soon. Leave a comment and let me know what you guys think of him! And, as always, have a fantastic day :)

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