More Of Big Man Benjamin Rubens Showing His Wet Bulge In The Shower!

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Yes, we have more of big hunky stud Benjamin Rubens showing off his wet body and bulge in the shower for photographer Fabien Lesch, and I expect this post to get even more appreciation than the first collection of pics from this shoot on Thursday. Get ready with that clicky finger to give him a thumbs-up and prepare to leave a comment :)

You might recall that I mentioned I'm avoiding the gym, even though several of them are technically open already. I've been missing all the horny hunks showing off in the showers and so on but I at least have a few guys I can check out on my morning run if I time it right.

None of them look like Benjamin Rubens and of course I don't get to see them showing off in the showers, but at least it's something! lol

I know I can't be the only one here who would love to be in a cubicle opposite this sexy show off after a good workout. I know nothing about him but judging from what I have seen I can imagine he would be more than happy to share a little playful fun.

He certainly looks like he's got the package for it :)

Enjoy him, and let me know if you want more of him in the future, too. Maybe he's been in some full-frontal shoots? I need to get out there and have a good look around.

Have a great Saturday.

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4 years ago

I think sometimes I find the scruffy hair and inky blog instead of the BODY blog. This reminds me of how closely man is related to gorillas and other ape species. I avoid the apes and monkeys at the zoo, also.

4 years ago

Hate the inks. Don’t mind the scruff. It’s our nature. To have body hair..

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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