More Of Anatoly Goncharov Looking Awesome

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So it seems a lot of you guys love Anatoly Goncharov as much as I do, and you were quick to add some very nice comments to one of the hottest shoots of the guy on the Gay Body Blog this past week. Of course I've been out there looking for more of this guy and his handsome face, and that gorgeous body too, and I found this recent shoot for PetitQ that I figured you guys would want to see.

I am still looking for more of course, so if you guys want to help me out with that let me know when you see him out there somewhere :)

He's looking so sexy and teasing in this shoot too, deliberately getting us all hot under the collar. There is no denying that there's some serious homo-eroticism going on here, with the milk dripping down his stunning body and that kinky little smirk to the camera.

Can you imagine waking up and sharing breakfast with this guy? I know what would be on the menu at my place, and I have a feeling a lot of you guys would be making exactly the same suggestion :)

Anatoly Goncharov is one of those hottest male models out there, and I hope we get a whole lot more of him in the coming months. Nude please! lol

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9 years ago

Ridiculous underwear designs but he’s lush!

9 years ago

A muscular male model — sans thuggery — imagine that?! Very nice.

Even if I had a body to match, however, a number of those garments would never make it to my dresser drawers. Ramps comment is spot on, very silly … unless you’re a rent boy. I will pray that Anatoly does not resort to this “job” as his career moves forward. That would be a terrible waste.

And, Conran, about breakfast? I would far prefer he tucked me into bed. Now, that would cure my insomnia!

1 year ago

Nice erotic masculine not strange like the films or videos of most gay porn

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