More Of Alexander Ortega Borja Showing Cock At The Beach!

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Happy Friday guys!

We're at the end of another week and I'm looking forward to a couple days off before my festival trip next week. I've got a lot of things to do but it's hard when I have distractions like hung hunk Alexander Ortega Borja showing off his cock.

As you probably know we've enjoyed this exhibitionist stud several times here at Gay Body Blog, but it's never enough for us.

I can't help but imagine what it might be like to be relaxing at the beach and seeing this impressive man enjoying the sun so brazenly and openly. I can only imagine how much attention he must get from everyone else in the vicinity.

You know even the guys on the beach are checking out that big meaty dong. How could you not?

As always Carlos González is the photographer.

He apparently takes photos of this big guy all the time, they seem to be friends and spend a lot of time at the same spot taking hundreds of photos.

I do think they need to mix things up a bit. It would be great to see another hung model posing with him.

Enjoy him again. Leave a comment. Hit the thumbs-up button.

Have a lovely Friday!

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2 years ago

And there he is again, OH MY GOD! Picture 3: he invites me to dive with my cock into his ass. Nice that he also bottoms!
Pic 4: we see a foot from the photographer. Did he get to play with Alexander as well?

2 years ago

A delight

javin deeno
2 years ago

Please show his pussy

Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle
2 years ago

That thing gonna hurt and give pleasure at the same time

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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