More Of Adam Coussins

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This guy definitely has to be one of my all-time favorite hunks out there in the world, and those who have followed the hunk around a little (stalker alert!) will know that he's used a couple of names in the past and migrated in porn too, jerking himself off on video for some real fans who absolutely wanted to see a whole lot more!

I certainly can't get enough of this hunk, and whenever I see that gorgeous face and those incredible abs I'm immediately drooling and looking for more. I found a pic today and it led me to another great collection of pics from a shoot I actually hadn't seen before, and we haven't featured it here either. I know you guys love him, so I though I'd share these with you guys too, rather than just keep them to myself on my hard drive, and it's a VERY hard drive too ;)

Enjoy the pics, taken in support of the charity Men4Earth, which raises finds for global environmental charities with a male viewpoint (see, he's gorgeous and a total sweetie too!) and let me know all the names you've seen this hunk appearing under out there. I know some of you have seen him playing with that delicious wang he's hiding in these pics, and I want to make sure I haven't missed anything!

Adam Coussins Naked Adam Coussins Naked Adam Coussins Naked Adam Coussins Naked Adam Coussins Naked Adam Coussins Naked Adam Coussins Naked Adam Coussins Naked Adam Coussins Naked Adam Coussins Naked

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13 years ago

check out adam coussins solo act at under the name david jones

12 years ago

like ur body plswill u friendship with me

9 years ago

I think he’s just hot/ I believe he’s straight & married/ that’s why he does solo vids. Wonder what he’s up to now

Michael Anthony Worry
Michael Anthony Worry
2 years ago


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