More From Mariano Vivanco

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Rather than focus on a specific guy for this post, I thought I'd offer some more of the amazing work by fashion photographer Mariano Vivanco.

Once again Mariano casts his creative eye over the sea of immaculately gorgeous young models out there and creates some images that truly reflect the beauty of his subject.

Teaming up with D&G, Mariano again captures every muscle and each seductive look to create a collection of images for the photography book UOMINI. There are so many hot men in this artistic and immensely beautiful photography book that you'll hard pressed to choose any favorites.

Subjects include Tony Ward, Rodrigo Calazans, Sam Way, Brian Shimansky, Noah Mills, David Gandy, Andres Velencoso Segura, Andre Ziehe, Buck Palmer, and plenty more in a whole host of settings and poses that will certainly have you appreciating the male form on a whole new level.

There's a constant theme running through much of Mariano Vivanco's work. Namely an appreciation for a classical ideology of what it means to be male. Greek and Roman historical representations of male beauty are scattered throughout this book, with suggestive and subtle references to the hero, the warrior, the sportsman...

It might be subtle and carefully placed, but it certainly builds to create one of the most impressive collections of male imagery I have seen for a very long time.

Clint MauroAlan CareyBrian ShimanskyClint MauroLuis KellingNoah MillsRyan BertrocheTom WarrenAndre ZieheChad WhiteMiguel IglesiasOliver ChesireSam Way

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13 years ago

excellent bodies 🙂

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