More Bulge Action With Handsome British Model Jamie Clarke

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We've seen the handsome British male model Jamie Clarke naked on the blog before, but although he was hiding his junk it was still a sexy and teasing shoot that I know had a lot of you guys out there drooling just a little.

I found this new shoot with the guy playing the role of a big of a bad boy, a skater, a punk - I don't know what the theme is supposed to be, but I can't say I really care about that too much when it's him showing off that sexy body.

Of course, this is about the bulge too. How can anyone ignore that when it's given pride of place in several shots?! It's obvious they're going for some very specific attention in this shoot, and all I can say is that it definitely worked on me ;)

Forget the fashion and the styling of this shoot by Gavin Harrison, it's all about that handsome and hunky guys cock bulge bursting out all over the place and demanding your gaze linger on it lol

He's handsome, with a great body and a pretty impressive bulge too, what is there not to like about this guy?

Enjoy, and don't be too harsh on the fashion statements being made here, remember it's not him who picks out the clothes! lol

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10 years ago

Very nice looking!! HOT!

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