Model Maquiavelo Gets Naked In A Strange Shoot For PHOTOARTVLC

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Happy Friday guys! I hope you're having a wonderful day so far, and that you're looking forward to the weekend, whatever that means for you in these strange times.

And speaking of strange...

Check out these pics I found in my emails this morning. A friend sent them because he knows I've been working on a series of sketches for some future paintings depicting mythological characters and I have to say that I might have been swayed into an entirely new direction lol

This anonymous model is known only as Maquiavelo, but there's something very familiar about them and I'm wondering if these photos were originally from another shoot before they were digitally altered to depict this model in a new way by PHOTOARTVLC.

Clearly there's a lot of digital art in this collection of images and while I might usually refrain from sharing this kind of work there's something interesting about it.

The guy is obviously hot, and when we have the chance to admire a good looking penis we're going to. lol

I like it. I can imagine painting something mysterious and kind of sinister like this. I might have to seriously rethink a few of the paintings I was working on :)

Enjoy, leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button. Have a great Friday, too!

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4 years ago

Erm. Why?

Bill Christie
Bill Christie
4 years ago

Is there nothing else out there? I find slews of hunky, great-looking guys every day. I must be living in a different universe. Envery guy who takes of shirt (and/or pants) is not a “hunk”

4 years ago

Not interessted ! There are a lot of men with uncut penis that i would like to see !

4 years ago

we are all free to look at pictures of what types of men we like on the internet… i like the variety in this blog.. no complaints from me.. good job and keep them coming.

4 years ago

Interesting. Great body and I love the variety you provide. Thanks.

4 years ago

I love the fotos and Maquiavelo, esp. pictures 1 and 2!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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