Model And Porn Star Hoyt Kogan Gets His Uncut Cock Out For The Boys

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I was absolutely certain that we'd seen photos of handsome and lean male model Hoyt Kogan (aka Denek Kania) on the Gay Body Blog before, but other than a mention of him in a clothed group shoot it seems we haven't. I'm fixing this today, and I don't think you'll mind too much that we get some nudity in this post too. Yeah, we're not due to have more cock on the blog right now, after a porn post already, but I couldn't resist sharing this sexy young man and his long uncut cock with you guys when I saw some of the photos he's appeared in. You don't mind more nudity today, right? Let me know in the comments. If you don't know who he is then I should say that he's a male model and a porn star, one of those rare guys who can cross the line with relative ease and deliver both extremely well. There's a lot to like about this guy, not least his sexy and toned body. He has a great ass too, but I think we all know one of his top assets is that long hooded cock he seems to enjoy showing off. We can understand that, I think if I looked as good as he does I would rarely be seen wearing clothes lol Show some love down below, so to speak. Hit that thumbs-up button. Share the post around for your friends and followers to enjoy. Have a lovely Sunday guys!

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7 years ago


6 years ago

i hate droopy balls.

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