Model Actor And DJ Walter Delmar By David Wagner

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I have something a little different for you guys in this post, and I have a feeling that this guy might be a little divisive in the ranks ;)

In my opinion, Walter Delmar is a very interesting guy. He's a handsome "older" dude (and I hate saying that, but in contrast to the young buff jocks we usually have on the blog this dude is definitely more of a daddy) and he has a great body and look.

The thing that interests me most is that he seems to be a shameless self publicist (I don't really mean that in a bad way) described as a Model, Actor, Dancer, DJ, Writer, Producer, Personal Trainer, and a "guru" too. Although, I think that last one is a little non-specific - a "guru" in what, exactly? I have no idea! lol

Even more interesting, LinkedIn has him as being a Manager/Server/Bartender.

I've met a few guys like him in the past; always learning something new and adding it to their list.

Whatever dude, you're hot, and you make a sexy subject of this shoot by David Wagner, with just the littlest bit of dick on show in the last photo. Yeah, I took a little time to enjoy that extremely subtle peeking dick lol

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