MMA Fighter Oliver Nemeth gets his uncut cock out for the boys

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I'm gonna start this by admitting that when I was young I missed out on a lot because I hated sports with a passion. Shamefully, I was one of those moody teens who could fake a signature on an excuse note and get out of almost every single physical activity. I regret it, because I could have been having a whole lot of fun with a lot more guys a long time before I started going to the gym or any of the mild activities I do now!

Sorry for that preamble, but that's what came to me when I saw these photos of gorgeous MMA fighter Oliver Nemeth showing off his fit body and that lovely uncut cock of his.

I can't say I know much about MMA, it's a bunch of guys fighting each other and I have more interest in seeing guys wrestling each other lol

But, that's not why we're here. We're here to enjoy the sight of him naked and looking pretty damn sexy for photographer Alasdair McLellan, who's captured him perfectly.

I guess this means his male modeling career is going pretty well, I've seen a few shoots with him by several photographers now and it looks like he's getting plenty of love.

We all want more of the guy, right?

My only criticism is that perhaps he should let that bush grow out a little. Some guys look awesome with shaved dicks, but I think if you're gonna do that you should do everything, like a swimmer.

Let me know in the comments what you think, hit that thumbs-up button, and have a glorious Monday!

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6 years ago


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6 years ago


Dez Domingos
Dez Domingos
6 years ago

My thoughts on the shaved crotch? If you’re gonna shave your pubes, then shave everything, not just pubic hair. Otherwise, leave it as nature intended, maybe a slight trim, but shaving that close….not at all attractive

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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