Mitch Ito Knows What His Best Assets Are

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I feel like it helps to work out what your best assets are as a male model, and I think Mitch Ito has done that because so many of the pics I've seen of him really focus heavily on that gorgeous ass.

And what a lovely ass it is!

This is our first time checking him out here on the blog but I'm determined it's not going to be the last.

He's posing for various photographers in these sexy shots and they've all done a good job of showing him in a new way, but many of them are very definitely content to show off that peachy butt.

I can tell you a little about him.

He's not just a male model. And surprisingly he's not a personal trainer either, like almost all male models seem to be lol

He works in mental health as a therapist, in Chicago, which makes him pretty special in my opinion.

And let's not just focus on his butt. He's a very handsome young man, with a lovely smile and gorgeous eyes.

Enjoy our first look at the gorgeous guy and leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post.

Most importantly, have a lovely Thursday and I'll see you back here tomorrow! :)

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2 years ago

picture #3 is amazing & the last pic is marti pellows twin 🙂

2 years ago

from nice to very nice , a good travel

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