Mike De Marko Takes On Power Top Jaxton Wheeler

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I have absolutely no interest in cars, let me get that out there right from the start of this. I don't many of you do either, right? Still, this new hardcore gay porn scene might have that motoring theme to it, but it's all about power top and hairy muscle hunk Jaxton Wheeler slamming the hungry hole of gorgeous Mike De Marko at Raging Stallion.

I love both of these guys, but for different reasons.

Jaxton is a massively muscular hunk, the kind of man I think we would all love the chance to worship, while Mike is a gorgeous dude always hungry for action. You can look at these two and know who is going to be taking control here, and who is more likely the straight dude too.

Is Jaxton a gay for pay guy? I think I might need to look into that and find out.

He plays that kind of role well in this one though, being the totally dominating force as Mike gets servicing his big muscle man dick and then gets his ass filled up with it. The fucking in this video is immense, and you can imagine Mike might have needed a couple of days to recover after the ramming Jaxton gives him.

Still, that's worth it for a fuck like this! Mike gets a double cum splashing across his abs as the two take each other to the limit, the only thing missing is some jizz eating to finish it all off.

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9 years ago


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