Michael James Is A Strikingly Handsome Man

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Happy Tuesday guys! I hope your weeks is going well so far. I've been keeping myself busy, going for walks and doing quite a lot of painting. I think I might have a new subject after seeing this handsome guy.

His name is Michael James and he's fascinating to me.

This sexy man from Utah has several things about him that really grabbed my attention.

First, you guys know I have a thing for handsome men with long hair. It doesn't suit everyone, but for someone like Michael James it just works.

Obviously he has an awesome body, too. I wish we could see more of it, I bet he looks amazing from behind :)

Finally, he's very handsome, and his eyes are so intense. There's almost a feline look to him, don't you think?

These photos are by Blake Yelavich, someone we've seen quite a lot of photography from over the last year. He definitely has an appreciation for handsome and muscular young men and this guy fits right into his style.

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and why not share the post with your friends and followers while you're here?

Have a lovely Tuesday and don't work too hard :)

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4 years ago

I normally go for more hair than less but in this case I strongly believe he’ll look much better with shorter mane…

4 years ago

He looks like an innocent, startled deer looking in the headlights of a car.

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