Michael Fitt Modeling Pics At Cam With Him

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We've had some sexy pics of the gorgeous Michael Fitt on the blog a few times now, but I know just how popular this guy is. He's built a little empire on his cam performances and developed a massive global following of fans eager to see him in action wherever he is appearing.

I was over on the Cam With Him site today and checking out some of the galleries they have when I found these pics and noticed that there aren't any from this shoot on the blog already. So, here you are, some sexy modeling shots of the hunky young man stripping down! ;)

I've become a pretty big fan of this guy myself since I first saw him. And I was actually quite surprised to see how well known he is. Of course, it's probably because he has a bit of a reputation for putting on some really hot and sweaty cam shows. I've seen some of the videos of this dude in the cam archives on the site and the recent shower one is intense!

Check out that shower video if you get the chance. But in the meantime, enjoy these Michael Fitt modeling pics from their archives ;)

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12 years ago

Michael is very very HOT indeed!!!

12 years ago

Without a doubt…a favorite of mine! One of the hottest men on the face of the earth!

12 years ago

gorgeous pace and sexy too 🙂

Jason behr
Jason behr
12 years ago

I want to speek with michael fitt

11 years ago

He is so fuckin hot man.

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