Michael Dean Johnson Starts Our Week The Right Way

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We all know Monday mornings can be tough. I had a tough one today not just because I have a pile of work waiting for me but because I actually got off my ass and went to the gym first thing. Now I ache in places I didn't even know I had places. But there are ways to cheer ourselves up and make Mondays a little more bearable, for instance, getting a big box of donuts (something else I did this morning to utterly destroy any progress I may have made at the gym half an hour before lol) Checking out hunks like Michael Dean Johnson is another little treat we can use to make Monday more fun. Take a look guys, isn't he sexy? We've seen him on the blog a couple of times before, but this shoot might be the best one yet just because of all that bulging going on. I know we all want to see the guy in the buff, but it seems he's a little more modest than others. I don't mind, he's sexy as hell to look at already and I think if we did get nude pics of him we might not get anything done today. Enjoy him guys, leave a comment and let me know what you guys think of him, hit that thumbs-up button at the top too! michael-dean-johnson-starts-our-week-the-right-way-1 michael-dean-johnson-starts-our-week-the-right-way-2 michael-dean-johnson-starts-our-week-the-right-way-3 michael-dean-johnson-starts-our-week-the-right-way-4 michael-dean-johnson-starts-our-week-the-right-way-5 michael-dean-johnson-starts-our-week-the-right-way-6

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8 years ago


Henry James
Henry James
8 years ago

Breathless…!!! Cumless…!!!

mae west
mae west
8 years ago

Another shaved bald 6 pack all the same cliché. Boring and forgettable.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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