Meet Tantric Sex Master Ikraam Sidartha

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I'm amazed every time I introduce a new character from the GayHarem adventure. That's certainly the case with this Tantric sex master!

While I don't know who comes up with these amazing characters I can say they have an amazing imagination.

They should be writing gay erotic fiction. I would definitely be reading it lol

If you haven't seen the previous creations we've enjoyed I definitely recommend clicking here and checking out the posts. There are so many awesome characters to meet in this gay adventure gam. Every one of them offers something different.

In this instance we're checking out Ikraam Sidartha.

This mysterious man is on a mission to locate all the horny relics. Ancient charms capable of bestowing the most incredible pleasures on those who come into contact with them are out there waiting to be found.

He's determined to be the one to return them to the world.

Being a merchant there's definitely a lot of self-interest here. Then again, wouldn't you gladly pay a small fee for the chance of experiencing a 5 minute long climax, or multiple orgasms? I now I would!

I don't know exactly what powers the relics have, but I can imagine :)

He's a Tantric sex master on a mission. He's not gonna stop until he's found all the ancient relics and collected their magical horny powers to share with adventurers in the Haremverse, guys just like you.

Sounds like a porn Pokemon adventure lol

Gotta catch em all!

Enjoy some of the great artwork for this character and click here to get involve in the game. I know a lot of you have been checking it out and having a great time :)

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Um brasileiro
Um brasileiro
1 year ago

Legal ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)

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