Meet One Of My New Faves – Denis Mastorakis

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Happy Monday guys! I managed to have a full weekend almost entirely to myself, for the first time in ages. It felt good, even though I couldn't really go anywhere or do anything lol

I'm back at my desk and ready to share another new hottie with you this morning, a Greek hunk who arrived in my emails over the weekend.

His name is Denis Mastorakis and as you can see from these photos he's an incredibly handsome man with a great body, and a sense of adventure.

I don't know what this sport is called, or even if it is a sport, but he looks pretty good doing it. You wouldn't catch me up in the air on those things but I would be okay sitting on the beach watching :)

As you could probably guess Denis Mastorakis is a personal trainer and a male model, as is so often the case. One of my friends asked why so many male models are personal trainers and I think it just comes down to the fact that they have the time to workout whenever they like, while we all have to do other jobs that generally don't involve weights and gym equipment lol

If you worked as a personal trainer and you were as handsome as Denis Mastorakis you'd probably be working as a male model too, right?

Enjoy him in this shoot by photographer Panos Misailidis and let's hope I can find more of him out there. I think I speak for us all when I say we want more of his hot bod and handsome face on the blog.

Leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, share the post, and have a great Monday!

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3 years ago

More of him please

3 years ago

Wow, what an artist!

3 years ago

Very handsome/cute! A lethal combination in my book. That’s a killer look for sure! But what a way to go! Too bad he’s not nude! Next time?

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