Measuring Up With Stunning Model Sotiris Thomaidis

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I hope you all had a fantastic Halloween! Let me know below if you got up to anything. I went to one party last night, just a small mid-week get together with a few people, it was fun but I am slightly regretting it this morning. Of course, there's always a way for me to distract myself from the slight hangover I'm enduring, and Sotiris Thomaidis is a perfect example of just that. We saw the first photos of him a few days ago and I knew as soon as I saw him that you guys would appreciate him. How could you not? He's a handsome man, and that body is damn fine too. However, it needs to be said that no matter how much we might want to keep our minds above the waistline in appreciating a gorgeous guy like this it's impossible when the bulge is that prominent :) No doubt about it, he looks damn good in some tight little undies! He's been in some great shoots for Modus Vivendi and we can certainly see why they chose him. I don't know how long he's been appearing for them but it needs to continue and we need a lot more. As always, let me know what you guys think in the comments, and have a fab Thursday :)

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6 years ago

This guy looks good in anything!! What a perfect body, and he takes good care of it, obviously.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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