Mean Looking Russian Hunk Artem Dzyuba Gets Our Juices Flowing

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There are a lot of incredible looking Russian hunks we love to see on the Gay Body Blog, and more often than not they're appearing for lucky photographer Stas Vokman. He manages to find some of the sexiest, manliest, confident studs and persuade them to pose for his cameras in some very interesting images, and when I saw this shoot with Artem Dzyuba I knew you guys would appreciate seeing him. Surprisingly, it seems that there's very little about this hunk out there. As far as I can tell he's only been in a couple of shoots for Mr. Vokman, and other than some selfies of the big man showing off his body and posing at the gym there's nothing more to share. I hope that's going to change, because he's clearly got what it takes to appear in some of those amazing shoots for the Maskulo brand, which is another way Mr. Vokman gets his work out there. I do have one complaint about this shoot, and I think you know what it's gonna be... there's not enough of him showing off some extra skin and being more revealing. We want to see it all, right guys? Let me know in the comments what you guys think of him. Will we see more of him in some erotic posing for the Maskulo brand in the future?

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1 year ago

he’s a f*cking fraud. Claim’s he is from KIEV on his Chatubate page to gain sympathy from users who give him tips because he’s going thru the war. Typical Russian con-man.

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