Matthieu Charneau – Going Commando

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I know we could have enjoyed a whole lot more of these pics of the stunningly handsome Matthieu Charneau from the MUTO shoot, but they only have these out there on the net, or at least these are all I could find.

Matthieu Charneau is one of those guys we've had on the blog a few times now, and with good reason too - the dude is sexy as hell, and whenever I add pics of him there's a great response. I had to get these on here when I saw them because I know a lot of you will want to see them too.

The guy actually reminds me a little of those really old 1920's male nude shots. You know the ones I mean, right? I think it has something to do with that sexy 'tash he's wearing on his upper lip. It makes me think of those really old French photos from way back when photography was first invented lol

I'm not sure what he's wearing for this shoot, but I think they might have been going with a "secret agent" theme. Personally, I would have loved to see Matt Damon in something like this for the Bourne films lol

Matthieu Charneau - Going Commando (1) Matthieu Charneau - Going Commando (2) Matthieu Charneau - Going Commando (3) Matthieu Charneau - Going Commando (4) Matthieu Charneau - Going Commando (5) Matthieu Charneau - Going Commando (6)

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12 years ago

That is one sexy outfit..I can see guys going into the leather bars with a black jockstrap on under it..first time seeing that pants suit thingy and it has to be allot more comfortable than latex etc because it breathes and also we can see the hair on his body, which is hot!


12 years ago

Another pouty (I’m not happy) looser-boy 🙁 . Put some real (60 – 70) men on here…

12 years ago

ii replyd you are someone made ii angryhungry

10 years ago

I would love to know where to get one of those sheer suits. I would buy one in a heartbeat. Do you know where to get one let me know ok

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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