Matthew Thornton By Joseph Sinclair

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I think most of us probably look at a handsome man like Matthew Thornton and pick out a few things about him that we love, or maybe it's just me? I don't know, but I do know that one of the sexiest things about him is those kissable lips.

We saw some photos of this stunning young man less than a month ago, and they seemed to be the basic beginners shots from a guy just starting out in the business. Obviously Joseph Sinclair saw something in those shots, because it seems that this is the guys very first pro shoot to come to light. And what a sexy first shoot it is too!

I haven't managed to find out very much more about him since those amateur shots, but what I have seen describes him as a fashion model and an actor too, I'm not sure if he's appeared in anything noteworthy yet, but I can imagine that if he has some skills we might be seeing a lot more from him in that regard in the future.

He so looks like a typical British character, doesn't he? And I don't even know if he is actually British. For all I know he could be an American country boy, but I don't think so.

Matthew Thornton By Joseph Sinclair (1)

Matthew Thornton By Joseph Sinclair (2)

Matthew Thornton By Joseph Sinclair (3)

Matthew Thornton By Joseph Sinclair (4)

Matthew Thornton By Joseph Sinclair (5)

Matthew Thornton By Joseph Sinclair (6)

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11 years ago

He has sultry eyes, love his looks too!

11 years ago

Very sexy guy and nice body! Too bad he only has one look…not enough for the demands of major advertising print work. Just saying.

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