Matthew Terry Is A Buff Hottie We Want More Of
We first saw Matthew Terry in a post in September last year, displaying some sexy fashions and showing off his bulges in some tight boxer shorts. But, this new shoot with the handsome and buff young man is definitely sexier.
I don't even care that it's so obviously air-brushed.
You can see it too, right? There's something a little plastic about it and, usually, I'm the first one to call it out. I actually try not to share images on the blog when they've been obviously touched-up by a digital manipulator. There's just something a little too unreal about it. I prefer to see guys who are genuinely hot and sexy, with little blemishes here and there, some hair in certain places. If they look like a mannequin then I'm likely to ignore it.
But, in this instance, this guy is just too sexy and too handsome to pass up. And, I don't think it's too over-the-top in this case.
The photographer is unknown, but La Maison Simons commissioned the shoot featuring the handsome guy. They made a good choice for it too, he's really something special and I think we all probably want to see more of him in the future.
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