Matthew Evangelisti Photgraphed by Joseph Bleu

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Photographer Joseph Bleu lends his lens to the awesomely beautiful young Matthew Evangelisti in these great shots - with an Arabian feel.

The young Matthew Evangelisti is a real up and coming star, with immense potential. Especially now that tattoos are in vogue and not frowned upon in the fashion world as much as they once were. Having said that, I think that one on his torso could use a little work. Being a bit of a tattoo fan, I would certainly have to say that it's nowhere near the best work I've seen. But everything can be improved right?

This young man is really attractive, with nice eyes, a masculine and yet boyish face, with a great body. These shots are perfect for showing off his assets too, everything from those tight abs to that perfectly pert and round butt!

He's definitely sexy and a little serious, and I can't wait to see more of him in the future. Although he might not be clean enough for the likes of A&F, there are plenty of other companies out there where his slightly rough boy image would definitely fit. I hope Major Model Management know what a potential star he is and really get him some major shoots!

My suggestion? Skater/Biker/Youth market would suit him nicely.

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13 years ago

what a pair of beautiful eyes. very attractive, loving, deep……..! thanks.

13 years ago

TATS on his feet are very cool..STUNNING GUY!


13 years ago

He is one of the most beautiful guy I’ve seen here!

Jose Foureaux
Jose Foureaux
13 years ago

Perfect angelical look… With a bit of demoniac salse!

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