Matt Bomer and Andrew Rannells Full Frontal in Boys of the Band

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We can't wrap our minds around the fact that both Matt Bomer and Andrew Rannells show their penises in the new Netflix movie The Boys in the Band. It's based on a 2018 Broadway play of the same name, which was actually a revival of the 1968 off-Broadway original. But who needs Broadway when you have Netflix? The streaming platform teamed up with producer Ryan Murphy and director Joe Mantello as well as practically every hot gay actor working in Hollywood today.

All of this checks out. But never did we think that Andrew Rannells and Matt Bomer would strip completely nude for a hot and heavy gay make out. And never did we think that during that make out Rannells would flash his penis. And who could have imagined that Matt Bomer would step out of the shower completely nude, with his thick cock and manly au naturel bush on full display!

As if that wasn't enough, Mark Thomas Young and Alpha Miknas both show their sizable penises during an underwater flashback. The Boys in the Band will truly go down in Mr. Man HIStory! Check out some of the hotness in this post, and head HERE of you want to see all of the full nude and gay scenes.

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4 years ago

Rannells makes out with his IRL boyfriend Tuc Watkins, not Bomer.

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