Massively Muscled Dylan Austin

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I know that I have said before, and more than only once, that I don't like guys who are massively muscled. I don't usually like the guys who are getting to the body-building size of men like Dylan Austin, but after seeing this collection of pics I have to admit that I might just be changing my mind!

I guess it's all about preference, but even though the kinds of men I would go for out at a bar might not be as huge as Dylan Austin, when I see him in a shoot I have to admit that he does something for me.

You guys know I love big shoulders, and his shoulders are definitely the biggest part of him. The guy is immense, and you can totally imagine what it must be like to be underneath that body and have him totally owning you. Okay, maybe that's just what I'M imagining! lol

These pics were taken by James Franklin for a new range of sexy underwear by Jack Adams, if the bulging muscles of the hunks body don't get to you, the bulging in his briefs probably will. Like all the other men appearing in underwear shoots, Dylan Austin has a very "in proportion" package ;)

Massively Muscled Dylan Austin (1)

Massively Muscled Dylan Austin (2)

Massively Muscled Dylan Austin (3)

Massively Muscled Dylan Austin (4)

Massively Muscled Dylan Austin (5)

Massively Muscled Dylan Austin (6)

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12 years ago

But I see it hasn’t stop repeated postings of uber-hottie Dylan. Its cool…if not here, there are other sites that will for his many fans!

12 years ago

OMG! Does anyone have a defibrillator?

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