Mark Morris Teasing For Photographer Ray John Pila

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It's really no secret that I've been loving the work of photographer Ray John Pila over the last couple of weeks, and I think a lot of you guys have been enjoying it too. He has a real skill for being incredibly teasing with his male models, and creating some truly seductive and sexy shots of the guys he chooses to present to us. This new shoot with male model Mark Morris is another excellent example of what this talented guy is capable of.

Although I still think his shoot with Hunter McIntyre is the best one I've seen so far, I can certainly appreciate being introduced to this handsome new model. I was sure we'd seen this guy on the blog before (perhaps in a multi model post?) but I'll be damned if I can find it.

This guy has an interesting look, but it's that body and his willingness to show it off for the muscle-man lovers out there that really grabs my attention. There's no doubting that he has a fine physique, with some great definition. I guess this is the definition of "ripped"?

I'll be looking for more shoots by this photographer and this model too, so if you see anything worthy of sharing do let me know!

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