Mariano Jr Is Looking Totally Hot!

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Are you ready for something totally hot for your Tuesday? Check out Mr Brazil 2015, Mariano Jr, a handsome and totally ripped hunk with an amazing body. And I don't mean "oh, he's pretty fit", I mean "DAMN! Would you look at that body!" lol I was pretty certain we'd seen him on the Gay Body Blog before but after a little checking it seems I was wrong. Of course I had to get him on here. It's a shoot by Cobalto (I'm still trying to work out if that's a company or a person) featuring the handsome hunk wearing very little and being incredibly sexy in the process. While he looks pretty fine in those sexy little undies showing off his bulge, he definitely looks better out of them. And I know I'm not the only one who wants to see him naked. Of course we all want that. Believe me I did go and look to see if there were any shoots like that out there but I came back with nothing. It actually seems that he hasn't done a whole lot of modelling since he won the title last year, which is a little shocking to me. We want to see more of him though, right guys? Leave a comment, give him a thumbs up, share this post around and do all that lovely stuff! See you back here tomorrow.                  

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Prince phoenix
Prince phoenix
6 years ago

Cobalto is a person, not a company…I can assure that: I did a couple of shooting sessions with him. A very talented photographer

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