Marcuse Swimwear has some hotties for you

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You know, in group shots with male models like this it's pretty common that there's one or two you can pick out as truly hot, and the rest just kind of fade into the background. In the case of Marcuse Swimwear and this shoot by Serge Lee I have to say that each and every one of these guys is hot as hell.

I don't know who is in this shoot, and to be honest I'm too lazy to even try to track them all down and find their names (if you know, feel free to mention them in the comments!) but I don't think we need to know much about them to appreciate their sexiness.

There's so much muscle going on in this shoot I don't know where to look, although I think I know where most of you guys are gazing right now ;)

Along with all that sexy muscle there's plenty of sexy bulges to appreciate too, and I can't possibly pick just one out to highlight.

I have to say that this is another of those photo shoots that makes me wish I'd stuck with it when I tried my hand at photography as a teen. Who knows, maybe by now I could jetting around the world taking photos of gorgeous gangs of hunky men by now! Oh I weep at the possibilities lol

Marcuse Swimwear has some hotties for you 1

Marcuse Swimwear has some hotties for you 6

Marcuse Swimwear has some hotties for you 2

Marcuse Swimwear has some hotties for you 3

Marcuse Swimwear has some hotties for you 4

Marcuse Swimwear has some hotties for you 5

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