Marcus Mojo, Joey Hard And Kevin Crows

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I'll admit it, I have been neglectful in my duties! I posted some content from the Marcus Mojo site a while ago, showing some non-hardcore shots of the jock hunk, and I did promise that I would offer some more action featuring him in the future. It took a while, but I saw this hardcore video with Marcus, Joey Hard and Kevin Crows and I thought it was time I shared some cock with you all!

So I'm always fascinated with some of the story lines these guys come up with for some of their shoots, and while some might find certain scenarios hot (I love plenty of the hardcore themes out there) this one had me chuckling.

It kicks off with hunky Kevin Crows taking a piss out in the wild, when he's attacked by a snake. Yes, you heard me, he has his cock bitten. His buddies arrive to help him out, somewhat unconvincingly. And you know how to get the venom out of a snake bite, right? Yep, it means sucking that cock in an effort to save him from further injury. Now you'd think that a guy who just had his cock bitten by a venomous snake might be more interested in heading to the ER than satisfying his hard dick... but who am I to judge. With Marcus Mojo and Joey Hard to play with perhaps I'd risk death too! lol

Anyway, here are some really hot hardcore pics from the movie. Despite the lame story, the action really is hot. Check it out on the Marcus Mojo site and if you can survive the onset of giggles you'll have plenty of hardcore action to enjoy! :)

Marcus Mojo, Joey Hard and Kevin Crows (1) Marcus Mojo, Joey Hard and Kevin Crows (2) Marcus Mojo, Joey Hard and Kevin Crows (3) Marcus Mojo, Joey Hard and Kevin Crows (4) Marcus Mojo, Joey Hard and Kevin Crows (5) Marcus Mojo, Joey Hard and Kevin Crows (6) Marcus Mojo, Joey Hard and Kevin Crows (7) Marcus Mojo, Joey Hard and Kevin Crows (8)

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13 years ago

cock bitten by a snake? venom to be sucked off? cool story bro

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