Marcio And Marcos Patriota

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Years a ago I knew a straight guy who was real into twins. I guess this is one of those hetero fantasies, like being in a threesome with two lesbians. But, does it translate to the gay world too? I ask this because I know of a few porn videos out there that feature twink brothers, and although there's a lot of different opinions on that I guess there are a lot of guys who get off on it too.

I was thinking about this when I saw this shoot with Marcio and Marcos Patriota, and of course I wanted to share this shoot with you guys and ask you about the whole gay twin fantasy. Is it the same as in the straight world? And why is that?

I have to admit that seeing these handsome and buff twins together is sexy, but I don't see them in the same way as a straight guy might see twins. I don't imaging them fucking or anything like that, I can just appreciate them as individuals and know that they're both incredibly sexy.

Enjoy the shoot by Jeff Porte, I'm sorry that there isn't more of these handsome young men together in this collection, I think we would all appreciate some more pics ;)

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10 years ago

Nice! Double the pleasure.

10 years ago

There is a major porn label that has twin guys — who proudly claim they are each others’ lover — and the very explicit scenes certainly confirm this fact. Creepy … in every sense of the word. And, quite honestly, very narcisistic. If I were a parent, I would disown them. This is simply not acceptable — on any level.

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