Manny Strokes His Big Jock Cock

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So we're due a naked post on the blog today, and after thinking about it for a little while I decided that this hot young man from the Sean Cody site would probably get your hearts beating a little faster and those pants feeling a little tighter too :) Say hello to handsome, fit, hairy and impressively hung Manny. One of the best things about him (aside from that immense curved cock he's packing) is that he's gay too. You might think that's pretty much a standard for a gay porn site, but you know they have a reputation for getting some hunky straight dudes sharing their dicks with other guys, and curious/bi men getting real horny on video. He's still their type of hottie though, a handsome and fit young man with a great attitude. Apparently he's also versatile, which makes him an excellent choice and probably means we're going to be seeing a lot more of him this year. After watching him enjoying that big cock on video for the first time I'm really looking forward to seeing him putting that thing to work! Let me know in the comments what you guys think of him, hit that thumbs-up and why not share this post around too, you probably have a lot of horny friends out there who would love to give Manny the once-over :) Manny Strokes His Big Jock Cock 2 Manny Strokes His Big Jock Cock 3 Manny Strokes His Big Jock Cock 4 Manny Strokes His Big Jock Cock 5 Manny Strokes His Big Jock Cock 6 Manny Strokes His Big Jock Cock 7 Manny Strokes His Big Jock Cock 8 Manny Strokes His Big Jock Cock 9

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9 years ago

I always feel ” Gay for pay” has come a long way .. Now SC takes them in because he just likes the fact that he can pay big bucks. I’ll never forget Doug( location: Hawaii:::one of my all time favs) wanting to get fucked & I guess a huge salary.. But every part of him did not want to do it & to me it felt like a rape scene even though he did consent.. I would love to know the pay scale for what you do on film

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