Male Underwear Model – Doing It Right?

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So you guys know that I've been on a little bit of a mission lately and bitching about some of the male underwear shoots out there. I guess I might be a little bit jaded, when you compare some of the really plain and simple shoots that I complain about with some of the randy and erotic shoots from some of the brands who really market to gay men it's no surprise they don't match up.

But even though this collection of shots are more of the same "catalog style" I've been complaining about, they do have a little more to them. They might be simple, but they have something that makes them stand out from the boring and plain shoots.

I don't know exactly what it is that I like about them, other than the sexy guy showing off the gear of course! lol

The brand is Hanro, and although I think they could take some lessons from some of their competitors out there to make things a little sexier, they've definitely picked a hot and sexy guy to appear in front of their cameras for this one.

I'm sure I have featured him on the blog in another shoot before too, but his name completely escapes me.

What are your thoughts guys, sexy shoot or too plain? Are these brands lagging behind when it comes to the style and marketing?

Male Underwear Model - Doing It Right (1)

Male Underwear Model - Doing It Right (2)

Male Underwear Model - Doing It Right (3)

Male Underwear Model - Doing It Right (4)

Male Underwear Model - Doing It Right (5)

Male Underwear Model - Doing It Right (6)

Male Underwear Model - Doing It Right (7)

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12 years ago

Awesome package! 🙂

Pedro Gonçalo
12 years ago

great taste

11 years ago

Just discovered your site and totally loving it! Keep up the good work!

Btw, the guy’s name is Daniel DiTomasso. You can catch him in the new TV series, Witches of East End.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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