Male Physique By Mariusz Cocur

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One of my buds sent me an email this morning and told me to check out this link, and what I found really impressed me so much I wanted to share what I found with all you guys on the blog too. This is some of the work of amazing photographer of Mariusz Cocur. This is pretty cool, the kind of photos you can totally imagine being in a coffee table photography book, and one that a lot of us would own!

I love photographers who really focus on the male body, and the ones who can pick out the muscles perfectly in their work are some of my favorites. I have no idea who the models are for these pics, but I guess it's not about that. This is about the style and suggestive nature of the photos and the talent of the photographer to capture some great images.

As always, I have a favorite, and it's the first one. I love how it's really creative and subtle, and really beautiful too, but pretty horny at the same time. I don't know what it is exactly that makes this first photo so sexual, but there's definitely something about it!

Male Physique By Mariusz Cocur (1) Male Physique By Mariusz Cocur (2) Male Physique By Mariusz Cocur (3) Male Physique By Mariusz Cocur (4) Male Physique By Mariusz Cocur (5) Male Physique By Mariusz Cocur (6) Male Physique By Mariusz Cocur (7)

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