Male Nudes By Zedneram

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Hey guys! I have to begin by wishing you all a fantastic new year, and although I am still recovering from a completely crazy day yesterday and one of the most interesting and wild nights I've had for a long time, I'm sure I am not alone!

Let me just say that I seem to recall some dancing on tables, catching a guy being blown in the toilets, a considerable brawl between doormen and a couple of drunken loudmouths, and spending half an hour on my doorstep trying to find my keys while my friend stopped people in the street to give them hugs...

Yes, I still have a headache! lol

But being able to spend the whole day today - or half of it at least, after spending far too long dozing this morning - was a joy today, and it meant I found the work of a great photographer who loves shooting male nudes. This is the work of Zedneram, and I have to say that I impressed with the style, and a lot of the guys he chooses to shoot too!

I think some of these guys might be a little familiar to you ;)

Sit back, relax, recover just a little more and enjoy some interesting and incredibly sexy eye candy!

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12 years ago

Happy New Year! Here’s to another hot year filled with great memories…and men! 🙂

alarn lso
alarn lso
11 years ago

What a sexy

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