Male Model David Ortega Gets Cheeky

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Good morning people! It's the start of another week which we all know is going to fly past before we realize it. I swear time seems to be speeding up, I guess that's something to do with not going anywhere or doing anything? I don't know, I'm not a brain scientist :)

What's the best way to start a Monday? I think we could do a lot worse than enjoying the handsome and hunky David Ortega and his delectable ass.

This isn't the first time we've see this handsome male model on the blog, in fact we've enjoyed him several times over the years. He's always been one of those very sexy guys who's willing to pose in some quite revealing ways.

This shoot by photographer David Suarez is keeping in theme with a lot of the past shoots we've seen from Mr. Ortega, with some high-fashion styling that's supposed to make you stop and stare. They've definitely achieved that, I'm going to be coming back to this shoot a little later to enjoy this handsome man and that sexy butt some more :)

Enjoy some pics of him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post so your friends and followers can enjoy him too.

Most importantly, have a good Monday, and if you're going out to protest or just doing something regular, stay safe!

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