Male Model Austin Santee Is A Gorgeous Hunk!

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Sometimes I spend a little time trying to work out the best title for a post, but other times it's just easier to say exactly what you're gonna get. Right now you're getting the gorgeous hunk of a man named Austin Santee.

This San Diego native has been out there a few times over the last couple of months. I guess he's had a few good jobs because I know I've seen that awesome body and handsome face a couple of times and thought he would make a good addition to the blog.

This 6' tall hunk of manly goodness looks damn fine with his shirt off but he looks even better wearing nothing but some snug underwear. Yeah, you can be pretty sure I'm gonna be out there later looking for more of him, and I'm hoping there's gonna be some more of him wearing very little :)

Obviously he's hot, with a great bod, but that smile is pretty damn sexy, too. We see a lot of gorgeous guys who rarely smile in their shoots so it's nice to see a guy who looks like he's genuinely enjoying himself rather than trying to tell someone their puppy just died.

Enjoy him, leave a comment, share the post with your friends and followers and make sure you come back tomorrow for more.

Have a lovely Wednesday!

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4 years ago

Last pic is the best.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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