Maikel Castro By Didio

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Is it bad that I have only just noticed that there is a little star rating thing at the bottom of the posts, just above the comments on the right hand side? I'm assuming this hasn't just been added (which would make me feel a lot better about being so completely oblivious to everything! lol) and that I have just never noticed it before!

So, not only should you be commenting, you should be starring the posts too and clicking that little star. Go on, you know you want to ;)

I think you might at least be tempted to click that little star when you see these photos of the hunky Maikel Castro taken by Didio. They are pretty sexy!

Check out the abs on this guy, and that hot and tight butt too. If ever the word "jock" was suitable, it's here. The guy is sexy as hell, and I love the amateur style of some of these pics too, like we're just hanging out with him and some pic opportunities are taken without too much thought.

Oh my, can you imagine spending an afternoon just hanging out with this guy, like that, wearing so little... ? I don't think any of us would be turning down that opportunity, right?

Maikel Castro By Didio (1)

Maikel Castro By Didio (2)

Maikel Castro By Didio (3)

Maikel Castro By Didio (4)

Maikel Castro By Didio (5)

Maikel Castro By Didio (6)

Maikel Castro By Didio (7)

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12 years ago

his abs is so fit.

12 years ago

his abs is so fit.

12 years ago

A CLASS act!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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