Lusting After Stepan Pereverzev

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You might remember that we saw handsome and hunky muscle man Stepan Pereverzev naked in a previous shoot, showing off his amazing physique and being incredibly sexy. Well, I have more of the gorgeous Russian hunk for you guys to appreciate in this post, and I fully expect some comments about him below.

I know not everyone here is into the real big muscle men who look like they spend hours upon hours working out, and believe me when I say that I too think guys can become too big. But, when it comes to this guy and his immense body I am absolutely in awe of his physique.

I love everything about this guy. He's so handsome (and totally reminds me of a guy I met last year), he has an amazingly powerful looking body and he has a great attitude to showing it all off too. Although I don't think he's done any full-frontal shots (yet) he's definitely one of those handsome hunks who doesn't mind teasing the viewer.

We definitely need to see more of this guy in the future, believe me when I say that I intend to share plenty of him too.

Let me know what you guys think of him, isn't he gorgeous?

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9 years ago

This gayboy is certainly lusting after him

9 years ago

With all the skin showing, I find it ironic that it is the last photo that I find most compelling.

First, his well-muscled body (as is the case for all his “type”) is well-displayed in all its glory in the way he tightly fits all his clothes. Secondly, and most important, this is the only photo where he seems at ease enough to give us somewhat of a smile.

Yes, he has a personality! That would be a step up compared to most models.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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