Lunno Might Be A Temporary God But I Think He Should Keep The Title!

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You might have noticed that I've really been enjoying a lot of the hot and sexy characters over at GayHarem. We've seen a few of their seriously sexy characters already and we've been loving the art that comes with the story.

Well, I have another sexy character for you guys to enjoy today, and I think this gorgeous creature might be the best yet.

If you don't know about GayHarem it's a great game where you're on a very sexy adventure in a kind of alternate reality. Mythical god-like creatures play all manner of roles while you go on your journey, and encountering them is a hell of a lot of fun :)

Lunno is a special one.

This character is a magical mix of both Golden Bunny and Silver Lobo.

If you don't know what that means, It's too complicated to explain it all to you and might contain some spoilers that I don't want to drop lol

Needless to say, this Dragon Ball Z style mash-up is one that's going to have you fascinated and eager to explore some more.

I'm gonna drop some pics of Lunno, the "Temporary God", for you to check out below, but make sure you click here and visit GayHarem for yourself. You're gonna be hooked :)

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2 years ago

lunno est une super lune, mais j’avoue : son partenaire avec lunettes est plus mon genre, beau et attirant

Richard Berd
Richard Berd
2 years ago

I absolutely love these gay cartoons so much!!!!!For someone who is isolated like myself I can really be cheered up by cartoons as they are fantasy and reality combined and I think that’s how I see my gayness .Love them!!!!!

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