Luke Rider – Cute Jock Jerking Off

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Okay, so it's Friday, and I'm planning a bit of a night out tonigh. I'm supposed to be hooking up with a fuck bud I haven't seen for a while, and I don't think I'm the only one of us who uses some of the hot videos on sites like Randy Blue to build myself up for a hookup - come on, admit it! lol

So I was back on the site today and checking out what there might be to stroke to and edge for a while later on, and when I saw this cute jock jerking off for his debut I just knew a lot of you guys would love to see some pics of him too.

His name is Luke Rider, and he's one of those boys you can really imagine turning up at your gym. He doesn't really look like a porn star in my opinion, he's just a cute jock jerking off for the fans. It's like he just walked straight from the gym into the studio for some fun on his break! lol

But that's what makes him more sexy in my opinion. Yeah, there are a lot of guys who you can totally see are incredibly hot and could easily be porn stars, but this boy is just naturally good looking.

And what a cock the guy has too!

Cute Jock Jerking Off (1) Cute Jock Jerking Off (2) Cute Jock Jerking Off (3) Cute Jock Jerking Off (4) Cute Jock Jerking Off (5) Cute Jock Jerking Off (6) Cute Jock Jerking Off (7)

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12 years ago

Luke, bestill my heart!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

OH MAN!..The body is one part, then he pulls out that massive dick…he’s mine

12 years ago

I would love to see and touch a 8-9-10 inch penis. how do I find one???

12 years ago

i wish that he could be my first.yummy

12 years ago

I have the worst crush on him. Live chat with him on Randy Blue sometime. He’s the sweetest guy in the world and is absolutely the sexiest dude you will ever see in your life. He’s perfect!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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