Lukasz Krakowski Gets His Uncut Cock Out In A New Shoot!

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Happy Monday everyone! How are we all doing at the start of a week which seems to be promising to be one of the craziest of the year so far. Are you exhausted yet? lol

Well, if you are, and if you feel like just going back to bed and waiting until the next few days are over, let me tempt you with some very sexy and seductive photos of former Mr. Gay Poland (2018), Lukasz Krakowski.

I do believe this is the first time we've seen this handsome man showing off on the blog, but it's a great way to be introduced to him.

Photographer Nikolaj Storm is delivering this sweet collection of photos featuring the sexy hunk while he apparently enjoys some new items of clothing, presumably preparing his style for when he can get back out there to the gay clubs and bars.

There are a lot of shoots out there right now which seem to be reflecting life at home and away from everyone, and although this could seem a little depressing I think there's something calming about shoots like this one.

Of course this guy is hot, and confident, and seeing him showing everything off like this has definitely cheered me up. I hope you enjoy these pics as much as I have been. Leave a comment below, and hit that thumbs-up button, too :)

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4 years ago

Definitely a YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Beautiful face, nice hairy legs, big cock. And I love his belly, at last not an overstyled, muscular man with a six pack! Although he looks so sad, but that is because he can’t go to the clubs and bars right now, of course. As Conran wrote.

4 years ago

Love the fuzz, not the tatts though…

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