Lukas Ridgeston By Rick Day

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You'll notice that we have a banner on the right hand side for the Bel Ami Online site, and when I looked at this earlier it suddenly dawned on me that we hadn't had any of the photos of the gorgeous Lukas Ridgeston on here taken by Rick Day recently. Of course I had to sort this out straight away and have some of the pics for you all to drool over!

You know how some men just keep getting hotter with age? There are a few out there who actually look more handsome now than they did back in their so-called "prime", and I think Lukas is one of them. No doubt he was always stunning, and his eyes could draw anyone in. But now, even though he's been out of the limelight for a while, he's looking more incredible than before.

Of course, some of the real fans will know that he recently made a return to the set for the Bel Ami site, in front of the cameras rather than behind the scenes, and I know a lot of you would have been checking that out too.

He definitely hasn't lost his touch when it comes to putting on a horny performance!

Lukas Ridgeston By Rick Day (1)

Lukas Ridgeston By Rick Day (2)

Lukas Ridgeston By Rick Day (3)

Lukas Ridgeston By Rick Day (4)

Lukas Ridgeston By Rick Day (5)

Lukas Ridgeston By Rick Day (6)

Lukas Ridgeston By Rick Day (7)

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11 years ago

Mr. Ridgesgton has definitely emerged quite nicely from his twink stage. And, for me, Conran, it was always his come hither gorgeous blue eyes that had my motor running. Ugh! So not fair.

11 years ago

Drooling guys remember that bus scene with Lucas giving a BJ to a big dick/ all we saw were his amazing eyes and that big dick getting worshipped.. His body is perfection

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