Louis Antoine Raymond And His Impressive Bulge

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I just saw these sexy photos of Louis Antoine Raymond and obviously I had to have him on the blog for you guys to all enjoy too, it's a great addition for a Saturday, right?

I know you might be a little pissed that there's not more of this guy, but this is all I could find in this shoot. Still, he's a handsome guy with a tanned and fit body and a great bulge that's worthy of comment.

I have to say too that I'm not sure I understand the practical uses for such underwear. You guys all know that I have a big collection myself, covering everything from the classic loose boxers to some form hugging pouches, but I tend to go for more coverage than these examples provide. Maybe I'm missing something, but these are really only good for showing off for a lover, right?

And it also has to be said that if were walking around my place wearing nothing but these, I think I would end up breaking things. That's enough of a bulge to be knocking things over and clearing tables of delicate items! lol

And talk about making an entrance, your cock arrives in the room seconds before you do :)

What's you opinion guys, would you wear something like this for anything other than showing off for a partner?

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Reko Herrero
Reko Herrero
9 years ago

I am just going to say it. We need to see him without that brief. Thanks for posting his photos 🙂

9 years ago

If he wasn’t impressive otherwise — those biceps, pecs, abs, lack of ink and body hair, I could go on — I could care less what he’s packing.

And, no need to lose the briefs; a little mystery (and, oh yeah, modesty) is always preferred. He’s fine, mighty fine … just as he is.

9 years ago

Oh, and to answer your question, Conran, I have no problems with this underwear choice. In fact, that is pretty much the majority of what I wear day to day.

I am probably at least 20 years older than this fellow. I wear what I wear not to impress anybody else but for comfort and comfort only. I would not be caught dead in boxer shorts. Putting aside they are about as sexy as Phyllis Diller on a bad PMS day, they provide NO SUPPORT whatsoever.

Not to brag, but the the Good Lord Christ made me larger than average down there and I want it secure and under control at all times. Thanks and have a blessed day!

9 years ago

What underwear…? Louis can f**k me running!

8 years ago

when you have a body like that, the less you cover, the better. It should be for the world to enjoy. I know that includes me! The underwear is so sexy and covers just enough. He can dress like that all the time for me. Beautiful body, handsome face, smooth and hairless, and ink-free. Whew!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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